Beaphar Care+ Kanin 10 kg

1 349 kr -+

Varenummer: 8711231129881 
Lagerstatus: På lager

Care+ is an extremely palatable and well-balanced super-premium feed that has been developed in collaboration with veterinary surgeons, dieticians and rabbit experts. Care+ contains proteins of high biological value for optimal growth. The food has low fat content and contains Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids, Echinacea and Spirulina. The Vit E Cell Protection System protects your rabbit?s cells against damaging external influences. Chelated minerals improve absorption and supply to the body, resulting in a healthy mineral balance in the body. FOS and MOS are included as prebiotics. Yucca schidigera extracts help to minimize the odor of faeces and urine. The variety of different ingredients in Care+ ensure that your rabbit is cheerful, vivacious and guarantees a long and healthy life. With Care+ you can be sure that you have the best food for your rabbit.

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